Sunday, January 15, 2012

Back to school

Spring semester starts for me in a couple days. I'm going back to homework, quizzes, exams. Back to becoming organized, back to learning how to learn and back to fretting about the millions of things on my to-do list. Back to exhaustion, exasperation, a fear of failing. Back to a chance to succeed, and a chance to prove myself.This is the life I've chosen. Break was wonderful, but reality beckons.
I won't be uploading art much, except for maybe some sketches and doodles, though if I get my camera fixed/replaced I can take a picture here or there. Aaaaah, the student life. Still wouldn't trade it for anything right now though. It'll be worth it in the end. I have to make it worth it.
 It's strange to think that I basically will be in school straight through until the end of the summer, since I'll be taking all three terms of summer school again (which is partially my fault, I'm retaking one class). I wonder what I'll think in 2013, looking back at 2012. Only one way to find out: welcome, 2012, and all you bring!


  1. Ick! I might trade it for just delving into my future career, but no one would take me seriously... *sigh* Good luck, we'll both need it! :P
