Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Great Outdoors

I don't think 'great outdoors' just means 'big wide open areas', I think it means 'awesome place to be; much more awesome than inside'. XD
Took a small hike yesterday with one of my friends and Titus, felt good and cleared my head a little. :)


  1. beautiful! and good for your soul!

    (would you consider disabling word verification on your comments?)

    1. Thanks! And I've tried doing that before and got spammed almost immediately; I can try again though I suppose, I know it is annoying!

  2. Yeah you'd think blogger would have a spam prevention system like other places have. Or even an option to allow certain fellow bloggers to add comments without doing it. Or make it easier..

    1. And love the harness! ;) Why no Feivel? Just curious. Lovely outdoors.

    2. I took Feivel on a more recent hike! I didn't want to take both dogs and have my friend get stuck holding one of them the whole time. She likes dogs but isn't a 'dog person' or an 'animal person' lol.
